Jun 6, 2011

Melissa + Geoff = Victoria's Fearless

This was an amazing whirlwind trip to Victoria BC - I was so amped to shoot in this spectacular place! I swear if I didn't live in the Okanagan... Victoria/Island would totally be my next choice. This place has history culture and phenomenal breath taking beauty everywhere you turn.
So this was my very LAST shoot (I had four shoots and one wedding this weekend)...
I will tell you more about this amazing couple when I post their wedding. But for now, Mel's only wish was she wanted a horse - and we got her wish!
Geoff totally rocked it out when he chose to wear his tux during this shoot!
These two were honestly troopers, anything I asked they did without even questioning me. By the end, Melissa could actually hear my wheels turning when she saw me eying up a big grass field by the parking lot of the beach.
I could honestly gush on and on about this shoot and my weekend in Victoria, but I'll leave that their wedding post!
Congrats you two and THANKYOU for making this trip phenomenal!


  1. I can't wait to see the rest Kyla - these are all amazing! Thank you for being such an awesome photographer and such an awesome friend!

  2. Beautiful shots and I can't wait to see the rest too!! I hope you don't mind, I shared this link with Abby's owner Leah.
