Dec 17, 2011

Family x 2 + Snow = Splendid Snow

Ok let me start first by saying, I LOVE REPEAT OFFENDERS (I mean clients!)
These are the Harman and Hotchkiss family - I have shot with Alanna and Jana before, they are 2011 Immaculata Grads!
As a really awesome early Christmas gifts these girls arranged to have their families get together and have a photo session with moi!
Yes we found snow... pssst Joe Rich has TONS it was spectacular.
There was lots of laugh, some wet boots and a very tired Newfoundlander dog (Sophie!).
Thank you so much for having me out I enjoyed getting to know each one of you.
And PS ... aren't their clothing colours fantastic, yes we know they should be a Hilfiger ad!



Nov 21, 2011

Dusty + Rebekah + Kael = Winter Wonderful

I'm a little behind on my blogging... But what better way to catch up than with some snowy love!
I adore this family, and really really enjoy snow (just not that pesky cold temperature that goes with it).
It's a perfect canvas for extra cozy photos!
I did Kael's newborn photos nearly a year ago (I'm not sure where the time goes!).
Dusty, Rebekah and I chose the lovely ferry docks and a near by park for our photo session! It worked out perfectly, although I know Kael didn't think so... I'm not sure if he was mad about the location we chose or maybe it was the Boston Bruin socks he was wearing!
Either way we got through the session with a few tears, but some awesome photos!

Oct 25, 2011

Rob + Tanisha = Autumn Amazing Love

I adore repeat clients... the second time around is just that much more fun and relaxed.
I had the pleasure of photographing their beautiful little family a couple months ago. I must say it is the highest honor when a client re-hires you to capture another milestone in their lives!
These two are cuteness overload, Rob clearly can't take his eyes off his beautiful bride to be!
I have no doubt you will have a long happy marriage!
XO Thanks for picking me!

Oct 18, 2011

Weber Family + Sundays = Mission Creek Perfection

I adore this family... they were totally coordinated and at ease infront of the camera!
It was a brisk Sunday morning, Mission Creek Park is full of beautiful fall colours... and alot of runners, it turns out on that day there was a giant race (who knew those crazy runners do marathons in the fall... on a Sunday).
We tried our best not to get run over, and got some great images!
Thank you so much for choosing me as your family photographer!
I had a great time.


Oct 16, 2011

Mike + Moira = Burrowing Owl Romance

October 16th 2011 - the last wedding of the season for me.

When I got the email that Moira was interested in my work I was thrilled... as the email unfolded I got more and more excited! They were eloping from Vancouver Island... They chose Burrowing Owl Winery (somewhere I've never been!) as their venue... and to top it off I got the honour of signing as one of their witnesses!
From the moment I knocked on the door and was greeted by the beautiful bride I felt at ease and totally comfortable with these two!
The love was so evident, not only for eachother but in the well being of those around them!

See... I kind of did a bone head move and test rode a new horse before I shot their wedding (two birds one stone... since I was in the area anyway!) Well the horse was feeling "fresh" and I got chucked and stepped on. Not one of my finer moments!
However Moira and Mike the amazing people they are totally understood and took care of me! Thank you Mike for your expert advice and helping me wrap that foot up (He is the Captain for Nanaimo Fire Dept.) so we carry on with THEIR special day!

Thank you both for choosing me, and sharing your day with me! You are truely amazing one of a kind people, I am so grateful to have had the pleasure of having you two to end my 2011 season with!

It has been a wonderful year and I look forward to all 2012 has to offer!


Oct 15, 2011

Erica + Dixie = Morgan Affection

I adore a good bond between horse and rider, love the emotions and quiet conversations between old friends. How we accept each other as we are, bad habbits and flaws included.
Dixie and Erica were a fantastic duo, Dixie is a jumpy Morgan mare with a adorable personality! (No joke for the first half of the shoot Dixie would jump everytime my shutter went off!)
The photos are evidence of those "quiet conversations" it's all in the way Dixie listens to what Erica has to say and Erica laughs at Dixie's quirky habbits.
Thank you Erica for spending an hour with me on this beautiful autumn afternoon!

Oct 9, 2011

Carlo + Karma = Autumn Love

My second to last wedding of the season fell on a beautiful overcast fall day. Karma like nearly all ... no wait, like all my brides was completely relaxed, laid back and so great to be around.
We started the morning at Blue Dahlia - awesome little salon off Birtch Rd. The girls were so calm and collected it was just like any other day!

I love all the little details that totally made this wedding them. A family friend made their awesome bouquets and all the girls wore purple and white converse shoes! Gotta love a bride that takes her friends comfort into consideration!
Their ceremony was filled with love and laughter - and patience! The awesome guests were cracking jokes while our lovely bride fixed some malfunctions and was a wee bit late! Everything still went off without a hitch!

Thank you so much for allowing me to be apart of your beautiful day! I wish you all the love and laughter in the years ahead.

Oct 3, 2011

Allissa and the Bratty Ponies!

My second Coastal client that I had the pleasure of shooting while in the lower mainland.
Allissa and her beautiful (just a tad bit distracted) ponies. You can tell this girl's love for horses is deep rooted. She comes from a strong horse background and loves he animals, bratty or not they are still her number 1's.
I even had the pleasure of shooting the whole family! These guys kept a smile on my face!

Thank you so much for choosing me!!

Kristyn + Thomas = Coastal Love

So this is where it all begins... young innocent amazing love!
Kristyn and Thomas are too cute for words! Full of laughter and so sweet!
Heidi (Kristyn's mom) arranged pictures for these two, we even evaded the rain.
I was down at the coast for the annual barrel racing finals and squeezed in a few sessions.

You two are absolutly fantastic and I hope you can look back on these photos many years in the future and say "remember when".


Sep 22, 2011

Mandy + Kelowna = Musical Magic

I got to photograph this beautiful woman two days in a row, first in her town then in mine!
I think from now on I'm going to lock my clients in my car during sessions...I think Mandy and I solved the worlds problems twice over, I even learned about guitar strings!
This lady isn't only a stunna, she's a very talented singer and guitar player! She plays locally and I'm pretty much convinced that we created her future CD cover!
She braved Mission Creek in mid September (spawning season), played in a freshly watered orchard and even came and met my beautiful ponies with me.
So early in the shoot busted a sandle... valuable lesson - always carry a spare, I however did not do this.. so my whole shoot with Mandy was done barefoot!
I'm really happy with our results and Mandy I am so happy that you were Kath's friend prior to being mine!

Thank you for your support and feedback, I look forward to many many more shoots with you and your beautiful family!

Sep 21, 2011

Mandy + Adam = Lyrical Love

Meet Mandy and Adam...
Now meet Callaway and Peanut, together they make a fantastic perfect little family.
I got to travel a little bit south of Kelowna to beautiful Summerland where Adam and Mandy were my personal tour guide!
I swear the best photo shoots are the road trip ones, where we drive until we find something we like. In this case it was an orchard, a barn, some cool stacked old trees and the top of Giant's Head Mountain.
These two share some common ground, their love of music. Adam is a drummer in a band and Mandy is a "groupie" haha kidding... she's a singer! (We will be doing her promo photos tomorrow so stay tuned!)
I am guilty of really not knowing the valley I live in, however I got a beautiful preview of just how breath taking it is! Sometimes I take it for granted and sometimes I forget just how stunning this vast Okanagan Valley is.

Thank you Mandy and Adam for sharing your story with me, for choosing me and for creating "magic" with me. You two are wonderful people and the love you share is so very special.


Sep 19, 2011

Lyndsay + Lindsay = L Squared

How awesome are these crazies!
This is Lyndsay and Lindsay... they've been "best buds" for the better part of 20 years.
These guys were a blast, tons of giggles and really up for anything... did you know it's half way through September and they stood in mission creek... and even had a water fight!
We played in apple boxes and even dodged a few cars on what their photographer thought would be a quiet road (oopsie).
Did I mention these two are totally awesome and dressed up in HP costumes... That takes awesome to a whole new level.
Thanks for picking this photographer for your fantastic photo shoot!


Sep 11, 2011

Brent + Lindsey = 9.10.11 Awesomeness!

Well what do you know ... another fabulous amazing wonderful couple! From the get go I knew this would be a livewire wedding! The energy was hitting the rooftop and Linds was just PUMPED to be married!
Their ceremony too place at Summerhill winery, we stuck around for some family photos and a few portraits then zipped downtown where it all began! THE KEG - this was an awesome place to shoot and a somewhat personal touch for Brent and his beautiful bride. Their bridal party was equally as pumped to be apart of their amazing day (10 pretty excited people is an awesome thing to have by your side!)
We even got to incorporate the lovely DT Firehall (Thanks Firemen, you guys rocked), tied in to Lindsey's occupation of working in the fire safety industry.
All in all it was a pretty great day. You could tell by all that attended the wedding there was an abundance of love and support for this couple.
Lindsey and Brent - I can't thank you enough for choosing me to be apart of your special day!
I know you will have a long and happy life together!

Sep 9, 2011

Chris + Lindsey = Love Birds

How many times am I going to brag about my AWESOME clients!

Yup, they were another fantastic amazing fun great superb couple!
I knew from the moment we sat down for the consult this was going to be a match made in heaven (naturally I mean me + them!).
I adore these two, they are relaxed fun and SO INLOVE.
All my weddings have love, but I really do admire the love that has stood strong through the years and they choose to celebrate their love for one another by getting married (in this case, eight years later).
They said I do at the beautiful Sunset Ranch in Ellison! We then used an orchard for some of their formals (these guys were so focused on their love they chose not to have a bridal party!), after that we borrowed some friends horses and granted Linds her wish to have ponies in her photos!

I always laugh with my clients but these guys made me feel like I had known them all their lives. I am so lucky they chose me to capture their wedding.
Best part of all, I get to keep Lindsey in my life... she works at the SPCA where I volunteer! (YUP she's another animal lover)

I wish another 8 times 10 years of happiness!

Sep 7, 2011

Shalanne + Dag = From Russia - With LOVE

Every now and again I love to suprise my clients with free contests... this is the result of some hard lobbying and a lot of love!
These two fought it out to the bitter end of the contest to get their friends and loved ones to vote for their photo on Kay Photos FB page.
THEY WON and WOW am I happy they did!
Shalanne and I have known eachother since elementary school! We lost touch for a bit but somehow like with most childhood friends it just doesn't matter! She was also my lovely angel in our Alter Ego Shoot last winter!
These two are outgoing, full of laughter and totally in love! It took a little coaxing to get Dag to warm up to the shutter, but he got the hang of it!
They are both totally goofy and so sweet. Just such a great "vibe" from both of them, they are the couple you see on the street and either A) wish you were friends with or B) had their love!

I wish you all the love and happiness in the world you two!

OH on a side note - Dag is part of a KICK ass band - Check em out - Here in the Noise plays at the Grateful Fed downtown THIS Saturday night!
