Jun 27, 2011

Santana + Urban Chic = '11 Grad

So this lovely bombshell met me downtown! She wanted different urban photos... boy did she get them!
Santana was totally up for anything we hit up grungy back alleys - found some oil drums she was totally game for anything I asked of her!
Thank you Santana for being so willing and AWESOME!
I hope you enjoy your 2011 Grad Photos, as much as I enjoyed taking them!

Jun 23, 2011

Sara + Matt = 4x4 Romance

I'll start with a little history - I went to high school with Matt, Matt met Sara, they fell in love - now they're engaged...
Matt was the guy in metal shop, mechanics and any other "manly" course! He is/was/always will be the hunter, the fisher, the tough guy (with scars to boot). Sara is a wonderful girl with an infectious smile and eyes only for Matt!
She even got a very public proposal by cupid (Matt with spiffy wings)during one of our Rockets Hockey games (during Valentine's Day no less)
This engagement session was one of the more erm, adventerous shoots I've done. I'm all for 4x4ing but when even Matt admits that a road is rough.... it's pretty rough!
A few scratches, and a TON of mosquito bites later we came out with some stunning shots at a ton of locations!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed shooting with them! So happy for your both and looking forward to your 2012 wedding!


Jun 19, 2011

Lacey + Brandon = Leo Baby Boy

I couldn't be any luckier than to have many sisters (I adopted them) in my life... even luckier still that majority of the are pregnant (no joke... about 70% are pregnant). For this reason I am staying far far away from their water sources (I've heard it can be contagious!)
It doesn't change the fact I am thrilled for all these beautiful ladies and really can't wait to meet all my nieces and nephews!
Lacey has been in my life for the better part of two decades, we have laughed, cried and grown together.
I am so very proud of her and this new journey she is about to embark on!
Lacey has shot with me so many times now that it makes me laugh when she can hear my wheels turning even before I say anything, and knows exactly what's suppose to go down.
I love you very much lil sister! You're gonna be a fabulous momma!

Jun 7, 2011

Melissa + Geoff = Victorian Love

I am so grateful that these two A) got married and B) asked me to be their photographer!
Nearly every wedding inspires me, fills me with awe and leaves me feeling full of love... but this was not just any wedding.
Every detail was spectacular! Melissa's unique and very vintage dress to her 100's of home made cookies and cupcakes (this girl does it all, and does it SOOOO well. Not joking I ate the cookies for breakfast oops!). She put her heart and soul into this wedding, while Geoff did his very best to calm moments of worry and panick.
So beyond all that, Melissa's love for Geoff and Geoff's admiration for his bride is one in a million.
You see during their five years of dating they had the normal ups and downs like every realtionship. Except during their early years Geoff was diagnosed with Lukiemia for a second time in his life. Melissa stood strong beside the love of her life whie he endured treatment and beat this illness again. Their story is one of inspiration, determination and a very very powerful love.
Thank you for allowing me a small window of time with you two, I am honoured to know you both.

Jun 6, 2011

Melissa + Geoff = Victoria's Fearless

This was an amazing whirlwind trip to Victoria BC - I was so amped to shoot in this spectacular place! I swear if I didn't live in the Okanagan... Victoria/Island would totally be my next choice. This place has history culture and phenomenal breath taking beauty everywhere you turn.
So this was my very LAST shoot (I had four shoots and one wedding this weekend)...
I will tell you more about this amazing couple when I post their wedding. But for now, Mel's only wish was she wanted a horse - and we got her wish!
Geoff totally rocked it out when he chose to wear his tux during this shoot!
These two were honestly troopers, anything I asked they did without even questioning me. By the end, Melissa could actually hear my wheels turning when she saw me eying up a big grass field by the parking lot of the beach.
I could honestly gush on and on about this shoot and my weekend in Victoria, but I'll leave that their wedding post!
Congrats you two and THANKYOU for making this trip phenomenal!