Aug 26, 2011

Justine + Missy = Golden Love

This tall beautiful girl graduated this year! It took us a bit of coordination (Honestly I think we have equally busy schedules) but we finally got it done! We had beautiful golden light out on the farm in Coldstream BC
Justine is really this stunning (tall, thin and beautiful) plus she is quirky, funny and so full of personality!
This girl and her horse make an awesome team, did I mention I lost last years finals saddle to her and Missy... (.023 of a second... no joke) But that being said I couldn't imagine anyone who deserved it more!
I have been lucky enough to really get to know this girl and her momma on some trailer rides to local races.
Justine I know your future is bright and I can't wait to have you as my vet hehe!
Thank you for choosing me for your grad photos!

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