Apr 25, 2011

Corrie + Rob + Jake + Ty + Paul (the dog) = Love Family

This foursome was a photographers dream, and little Paul with a huge personality knew he was part of the family!
They were fun, great lookin' and so great to photograph!
The boys are oh so adorable and such sports, not one peep of complaints out of them!
We ventured through City Park, it was cool out but at least it's green now!
Thanks so much you guys~ I had a great time!

Apr 23, 2011

Taryn + Derek = Okanagan Spendor

These two agreed to go on a excursion with me! We originally wanted the orchard blossoms, but alas nature had other plans!
A friend of mine had told me about this little road in lake country that had a rickety ol' chair swing... and hoping my clients were up for anything, I picked that as their start location. A long the way we found old buildings with blue doors AND Okanagan Daises!
Derek and Taryn were so awesome, easy going and yes in LOVE. We had a few stops to give our photos some variety! I think they thought I was nuts when I suggested sitting in the middle of the road...
Thanks guys, I love your photos and looking forward to your wedding this summer.
P.S. the handsome blonde fella is Hoagie, and he was such a trooper for feeling under the weather.

Apr 20, 2011

Kyli + Disco = Cowgirl UP

Kyli was the first person to contact me after my Hawaiian Honeymoon (and holy Hanna it was hard to be away from my phone/email, fairly sure I'm addicted to technology). She was finishing up her school year and wanted to some "just because" photos!
I love meeting someone with the same passion as me, not just horses but barre racing!
These two were awesome! Disco was such a lady, always ears up and looking pretty! You could clearly see the common respect between them both.
Thank you so much Kyli!
I'll see you at some races this year ;)

Apr 2, 2011

Tutus + Love = Paisley

This little babe is three weeks old - you my remember this awesome family from the converse shoes and bright pink maternity session a few months ago!
I love seeig the "finished product" after a maternity shoot! I can only imagin the excitement of a brand new family, while awaiting their nine months of waiting time! I think this little one is well worth the wait!
She was wide eyed and somewhat demanding during our session but oh that cuteness just makes it so worth while!
Thank you Thalia and Dave, for inviting me into your home not once but twice! I truely hope to watch this family grow and blossom with the passing time.
And I couldn't forget the original baby of the family, Mrs.Buddah :) She kept me occupied while Thal tended to the little one!