Jul 20, 2010

R + B = "Just because we're Inlove" Shoot

Roz and Brad, Brad and Roz ... peanut butter and jelly, hugs and kisses... Yup they all just go together!
I couldn't be happier to shoot these two again! Hands down one of the cutest couples I know. I've had the pleasure of knowing Roz for many many many years now!
With Brad recently graduating for fire fighting she wanted to do something special for him!
Yes, she is this stunning and Yes they are THAT perfect of a couple. I am so fortunate for the love I get to witness with each shoot and thank you Roz and Brad for demonstrating just how perfect love can be when everything fits together!

Jul 17, 2010

J + C = Wicked Engagment!

LOVE - Urban, trendy, up for anything, couples!
After a few delays and reschedules I finally met up with Chris and Jenna for our downtown funky engagement shoot!
Being this is the first time I've met both of them it went pretty smooth!
I adore couples that really compliment each other, these two do just that!
Very much looking forward to their wedding at Summerhill Winery in September!

Jul 16, 2010

Ali and Delta

On a lovely Thursday evening I was invited to my good friend Ali's family home to take a mini shoot of her family and her beautiful daughter, Delta. What makes this all so special is Ali now lives in New Zealand. The last time I saw Delta she didn't have those blond curls or that mischief in her eyes (ok, maybe that was there after all she is Ali's daughter!)
I am so incredibly touched that I was asked to come and preserve this time in Delta's life, I know the next time we see her she'll be bigger and cuter (is that possible!?).
The shoot was at Ali's farm... I'm fairly sure a photographer couldn't ask for anything better, vineyards and old barns!
This little girl just melted my heart! I honestly couldn't pick favorite images, full of giggles and smiles!

Jul 11, 2010

Sisterly Love

In 2009 I had the pleasure of photographing Carly's beautiful daughters - Carson and Paige.
After a good round of phone tag we managed to set up our annual shoot and I couldn't be happier she chose to contact me for the second year.
I love watching my clients children grow and change. These two girls are so full of personality and so fun to work with!
Thanks Carly for choosing me again!

Jul 5, 2010

Tiff and Nick - Kamloops Wedding

I really can't even begin to describe this wedding...
It had a whole other energy of it's own (as all of them do). Tiff and Nick couldn't be more suited to one another. From the goofy groomsman to the lack of signing table (so we used the best man's back) everything was smooth and totally "them".
If you notice in most the photos Nick is a smart man and always let's his beautiful wife "sit in the drivers seat" ;)
I know without a shadow of a doubt you two will grow old and goofy together!
Thanks for choosing me to be your photographer!


Sun Family - Kamloops

Part 2 of 3 Blog Post!

The wonderful family of (newly) 4 met me at Riverside part on Sunday! Nicole and Mike along with their two beautiful daughters posted and goofed around!
It was an absolut joy meeting the new member of the family and of course spending some time with their older daughter, who has a HUGE personality!

Wishing you all the best with your growing family!


Jul 4, 2010

Kristy and Hayleigh

Part 1 of 3

This Saturday I travelled to Kamloops for 2 family shoots and one wedding! This is part 1 blog post!

Kristy and I go waaaaay back to the days of first boyfriends and first jobs. We met at Blendz in Kelowna when we were both hired in our late teenage years! Time has passed and we have grown apart but never lost touch. She recently contacted me as her beautiful little peanut is reaching her 6mo milestone!
If this little girl doesn't melt your heart I don't know what will! She was all smiles and giggles! We made our way around Riverside Park (amongst a very busy crowd!) and got some wonderful shots!
Thanks Kristy, I look forward to her 1yr!